1. Epidermis (Outer Layer)
- Composition: Primarily made up of keratinocytes, which produce keratin (a protein that strengthens skin). It also contains melanocytes (responsible for pigment), Langerhans cells (immune response), and Merkel cells (touch sensitivity).
- Sub-layers:
- Stratum Corneum: Outer layer of dead cells (corneocytes) that provide a tough, waterproof barrier.
- Basal Layer: The deepest part of the epidermis, where new skin cells are produced.
- Functions:
- Protects against environmental damage (UV radiation, pathogens).
- Minimizes water loss through its lipid barrier.
- Determines skin color through melanin production.
2. Dermis (Middle Layer)
- Composition: Dense connective tissue containing collagen and elastin fibers, which give skin its strength and elasticity. It also houses:
- Blood vessels
- Nerve endings
- Sweat and sebaceous (oil) glands
- Hair follicles
- Functions:
- Provides structural support.
- Supplies nutrients to the epidermis.
- Plays a role in thermoregulation via sweat glands and blood flow.
- Hosts sensory receptors for pain, pressure, and temperature.
3. Hypodermis (Subcutaneous Layer)
- Composition: Composed mainly of fat (adipose tissue) and connective tissue.
- Functions:
- Acts as an energy reserve.
- Provides insulation and cushioning for underlying muscles and bones.
- Facilitates skin mobility over the body.
Skin Functions
- Protection: Acts as a physical barrier to microorganisms, harmful chemicals, and physical trauma.
- Thermoregulation: Regulates body temperature through sweating and blood vessel dilation/constriction.
- Sensation: Detects touch, pressure, pain, and temperature changes through specialized nerve endings.
- Excretion: Removes waste products like salts and urea through sweat.
- Vitamin D Synthesis: Produces Vitamin D when exposed to sunlight.
- Immunity: The epidermis and dermis house immune cells that help fight infections.
Factors Influencing Skin Health
- Genetics: Determines traits like skin color, type (oily, dry, etc.), and susceptibility to conditions.
- Age: Skin loses elasticity, becomes thinner, and regenerates slower with age.
- Environment: Sun exposure, pollution, and climate can damage or alter skin.
- Lifestyle: Nutrition, hydration, sleep, and skincare routines impact skin's appearance and function.
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